
5th Station: Simon of Cyrene Assists Jesus

..But I will call this to mind as my reason to have hope..[ Lam. 3:21 ]
We adore You O Christ and we praise You – because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy will of our Father.

How often in my own life Jesus You Yourself come as the Divine Assistant, for You first bear the full weight of my cross, my suffering
– thank You Jesus for Your tender care.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

Sometimes Jesus when it is obvious another needs my assistance I fail to help them with their burden because of fear or laziness or being too wrapped up in my own needs. Heal my lack of courage and hardness of heart, make of me a true Simon of Cyrene to everyone, especially the poorest and most rejected, in particular with my love, prayer and presence to wash the feet of my brother priests, especially ________________ who is suffering ______.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

It happens Jesus I fall prey to the common wound of men whereby we make it difficult for others to come to our assistance – break open wide my heart that I might see accepting the support and encouragement offered me by others is a true blessing and grant me a tender and grateful heart.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Priests – pray for me and my brother priests that we be loving servants of everyone and humble enough to accept the assistance of others.

.Our hope for you is firm, for we know that as you share in the sufferings, you also share the encouragement..[ 2 Cor. 1:7 ]